A warm welcome!

Welcome to the UK Citizen Science Network!

The aim of this website is to encourage connections and collaborations between citizen scientists across the UK, and with colleagues within European Citizen Science

This website contains links to some amazing organizations which we think are of great importance to citizen science. We invite you to scroll down this page, which shows new additions to our network; and the other pages on this website, to see if there is something of interest for you. We then encourage you to contact those organizations to see what you can learn from them, and how they might benefit from your support. 

The AURORA Energy Tracker is a groundbreaking app that empowers individuals to make a positive impact on the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with residential energy use and transportation choices.



IMPETUS will support and give recognition to citizen science by enabling a wider range of citizen science initiatives (CSIs) to access innovative funding. To learn more, here is a link to their website.

Joe Carter - Political blog
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